
Connected Standing Sitting and Posture

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Connected Standing, Sitting, and Posture

Course description :

24-hour posture care management (PCM) promotes the support of healthy posture in all human orientations as crucial for children and adults with a limited movement repertoire. Asymmetrical lying postures may be noted, but are often not routinely addressed in treatment planning – yet are closely linked to sitting and standing posture, function and health. In North America this approach is becoming recognized for its potential to protect and improve body alignment, support restful sleep, safeguard respiratory and digestive functions and reduce pain. 24-hour PCM builds a foundation of body symmetry and stable posture that supports therapeutic goals in all areas of development and rehabilitation.
This webinar provides an overview of 24-hour PCM theory with a focus on recognizing and addressing vital connections between lying posture and other orientations. Understanding these concepts supports success in use of positioning equipment for standing as well as sitting activities. Visual examples, case studies and demonstrations illustrate the concepts underpinning 24-hour PCM. Early assessment and positioning interventions can be powerful! Learning to predict body shape distortions early, and how to create and implement 24-hour PCM plans is emphasized with a focus on time outside the wheelchair.

Presenter Information:

Tamara Kittelson, MS, OTR/L, ATP, SMS. She is an occupational therapist, RESNA Certified Assistive Technology Practitioner, a RESNA Certified Seating and Mobility Specialist and founding Chair of the RESNA 24-7 Posture Care Management Special Interest Group.

Tamara is the Executive Director of Posture 24/7, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, whose mission is promoting awareness and training regarding 24-hour posture care management in North America to support health and quality of life for individuals with limited movement repertoire that prevents them from easily changing and varying their positions.

In 2004 Tamara founded Eleanore’s Project, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit for which she is the Executive Director. Eleanore’s Project is her daughter’s legacy, with a focus on improving the quality of life for children with disabilities and their families in low resource areas of the world via a foundation of 24-hour posture care management underlying positioning and mobility evaluations and equipment. They have worked in Peru since 2004 and worked in Jordan from 2005 to 2009. Eleanore’s project supports year round wheelchair clinics at Yancana Huasy in Lima, Peru, providing equipment as well as education and training for Peruvian professionals with whom they work.

Course Accreditation

The University of Pittsburgh, Department of Rehabilitation Science & Technology (RSTCE) is certifying the educational contact hours of this program and by doing so is in no way endorsing any specific content, company, or product. The information presented in this program may represent only a sample of appropriate interventions. Each person should claim only those hours of credit that they actually spent in the educational activity.
0.1 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be awarded to individuals for attending each hour of instruction.