

Altimate Medical Education is moving to a new platform, please visit learn.altimatemedical.com to access our on-demand and live education content.


Education Information

Support Hotline
How do I get my CEUs?

If you would like to host a CEU event at your own facility, please visit this link.

Altimate Medical has courses approved by all of the listed entities. Please refer to the individual course page for detailed accreditation information. 

Our support hours are below. We handle support tickets by hand, you can expect a reply in 1-3 business days depending on load and staff availability.

  • Sunday: Closed
  • Monday: 8AM-4:30PM
  • Tuesday: 8AM-4:30PM
  • Wednesday: 8AM-4:30PM
  • Thursday: 8AM-4:30PM
  • Friday: 8AM-12PM
  • Saturday: Closed

CEU Courses

Altimate Medical offers free CEU courses for PTs, OTs, and assistive technology professionals in several formats: live webinars, in-person seminars, and on-demand education. Altimate Medical Education is accredited by the following institutions; University of Pittsburgh Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology, the AOTA, Texas PTA, and California Education Connection. Approval is dependent on the course, please refer to the course information page for accreditation information.

Continuing Education Certificates are provided.

In-person Seminars
Upcoming Webinars


Positioning 365: Beyond Seating

Evidence-based discussions for complex rehabilitation professionals and clinicians that extends beyond seating and focuses heavily on standing and alternative positioning, but when seating is discussed, an emphasis on shower/commode chair considerations can be expected. Host Maryann Girardi PT, DPT, ATP, sits down with renowned surgeons, clinicians, consumers and parents sharing insights into the world of standing technology and positioning as therapy. Join us each month on major platforms Spotify and Apple Podcasts for a new look beyond seating from Altimate Medical.

Listen Now!

Our Education Team

Maryann M. Girardi, PT, DPT, ATP

Clinical Education Specialist @ Altimate Medical

Kristen Cezat, PT, DPT, APT/SMS

Clinical Education Specialist @ Altimate Medical

Lawrence Harding, MS, PT

Director of Fitness @ The Axis Project