Stretching While Standing: Benefits for People with Spinal Cord Injury/Disease
Course Description:
Range of motion impairments are common for those with spinal cord injury/disease (SCI/D). These impairments can affect the ability to participate in meaningful activities and result in secondary impairments. This course will discuss the pathophysiology of ROM changes within the SCI/D population and how stretching exercises in standing can be incorporated into program to address them.
Presenter(s) Information:

Lawrence Harding PT, MSPT, is the Director of Fitness at The Axis Project, based in New York City. Axis is a post rehabilitation multidisciplinary center that helps to empower people with long-term physical disabilities, living independently in their communities, and gives them effective tools to pursue and maintain healthy and active lifestyles.
He is the President of Spinal Mobility and the developer of the Spinal Mobility technique, a novel manual therapeutic intervention designed to address trunk weakness due to neurological conditions, including Spinal Cord Injury. Since 2014, he has introduced the technique and provided hands-on clinical workshops to many rehabilitative and academic institutions and rehabilitation conferences in the New York Tri-State area and throughout the country.
He teaches at Hunter College, CUNY and regularly lectures at PT schools in New York. He is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and the Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals (ASCIP).Most recently, he is the winner of the 2021 Academy of Neurological Physical Therapy Award for Excellence in SCI Care or Service. Since 1993, he has been a member of Reggie Wilson/Fist and Heel Performance Group, a post-modern dance company based in Brooklyn, NYC.
Course Credit information:
1 Contact Hour course
Must complete post-course survey/quiz to receive CEU certificate
The University of Pittsburgh, Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology Continuing Education (RSTCE) is certifying the educational contact hours of this program and by doing so is in no way endorsing any specific content, company, or product. The information presented in this program may represent only a sample of appropriate interventions). Each person should claim only those hours of credit that they actually spent in the educational activity.
.1 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be awarded to individuals for attending 1 hours of instruction.